Monday, October 29, 2012


Every Friday Lydia Jane and I go shopping.  I don't always need to buy something but the only way I get to see this adorable sight on Friday's is to strap her in the car seat and go for a drive.  If that drive just happens to take us to Target, what can I do? :)
Before going on a drive, I try pretty much everything to get her to sleep.  We rock, sing, nurse and I even try to lay down with her to sleep.  Nothing doing.  She starts to drift off and then pops up ready to go.  For five minutes.  Then she is back to the yawning, eye rubbing, tired little girl I was trying to put to sleep five minutes before.  It may make me a little crazy.  Top that off with a little, or a lot, of co-sleeping (which seems very nice in theory but my back is beginning to hate me) and I think I have finally had enough.  This "I'll do whatever works as long as she will just sleep" approach ends now.  Mommy is getting tough and sleep training.  Someone has got to take charge here and I just hope it's me! :)

When not refusing to sleep, Lydia Jane is busy being the cutest baby ever as you can see in exhibits A and B. :)
A baby in fake glasses! Oh, the hilarity!

Paci smile!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Baby's First Tailgate

My family had been asking us to come tailgate for a USC game ever since the start of the season. I finally said we would come to the Georgia game not realizing that was conference weekend. We only missed one session but it is still not my favorite. Despite that, we had a really great time!  Lydia Jane was wonderful and let everyone hold her.  It helped that all the ladies had on nice shiny necklaces she loves to play with.  There was fantastic food, of course.  My family made Cory and I both our favorites, my great aunts hot dog chili for Cory and cowboy caviar for me.  It was so thoughtful and yummy! The majority of my family went into the game and we stayed to watch the first quarter in the Coop with my Grandad, great aunt Bob, Nance and Lois.  It was so nice to be able to chat with them all and cheer for the gamecocks during one of the best quarters of football I have seen ever. We left at the end of the first quarter because it was Lydia Jane's bed time and I don't like keeping her out any later than 8:30 if I can help it.  As we were walking out of the Coop lot to our car, I noticed an obviously intoxicated man in his 20's noticing us.  He was looking really hard at Cory, who had Lydia Jane in her Ergo baby carrier (which we LOVE by the way) and said in an amazed voice, "I know I see a baby right now."  Cory just laughed and said "yep."  The guy then starts following us exclaiming "You've got a baby in a papoose!" Again, Cory with the laugh and "yep."  By this time I am mental preparing to stab this guy with my car keys if necessary. I do not trust the inebriated.  Drunk guy then says "You're so cool, man. *pause* People are stupid. *pause* I'm not even half as cool as you guys.  You've got a papoose and hot baby."  I'm sort of flabbergasted by the hot baby remark and drunk guy seems to have gotten distracted by something shiny or remembered what he had been doing before spotting the hot papoose baby and wanders off.  Cory and I keep walking quickly away and after a couple of minutes I ask Cory "Did that just guy just say we have a hot baby?"  to which he replies "I think so. I was trying to figure out how I could quickly get her out of this thing to you and take him down if I had to."  We have reached the parking lot where we parked and being wandering around trying to remember exactly where our car is.  We encounter a police officer who at first thinks we are casing the joint and then sees our baby and offers to help us find the car with his spotlight.  ha!  He stayed with us while we loaded up which I honestly appreciated because I was starting to feel like we were the only "normal" people around.  We made it home in no time and watched the rest of game from the comfort of our couch which I have begun to vastly prefer over out and about with the crazies!

Some pictures from our day:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Official Mom Status

The Bad News
After putting Lydia Jane to bed last night, I realized I had forgotten to feed her dinner.  I nursed her, but she also has a jar of baby food that I did not give her.  Yes, I know.  I'm Mom of the Year.  She woke up at 10 though and happily ate her late dinner.

The Worse News
Because of teething, she has lots of gunk running everywhere: out her nose, on her face, down her throat. It's pretty gross but not as gross as the hacking cough she had when she woke up to eat.

The Worst News  
The coughing continued throughout her nursing and eventually was so bad she threw up.  ALL. OVER. ME. That jar of baby food?  Yep, that was now in my lap.
Mommy is not amused after being covered in throw up...

The Good News
While I was cleaning myself up, Cory told Lydia Jane "Look at your Mommy, she's a real mom now." Yay me!?

The Better News
After the throwing up episode, her cough got a lot better.  We turned on the humidifier, read some books and she was able to nurse and fall asleep without coughing.

The Best News
This sweet girls is feeling much better today and is the cutest sleeper ever!  Also, still completely lovable despite her tendency to spit up\rub snot\throw up ect. on me. :)

Monday, October 8, 2012


It seems like teething is an endless process. Lydia Jane has 2 bottom teeth and is currently working on bringing in a top tooth. She is chewing on everything!
Exhibit A:

Here she is chewing on one if her actual teething toys. This is pretty rare though. She has a fairly short attention span and will chew on anything.
Exhibit B:

Her favorite thing to chew on is the finial from our headboard. In the beginning, I tried to stop her. Now I just take it off and let her chew away. She LOVES it.
Exhibit C:

Most of the time she is pretty happy but we do have occasional meltdown moments.

Luckily these usually end in like this:

We recently bought her a Sophie the Giraffe teether and that is her new favorite thing! I don't have a picture of her with it but it really is as good as the reviews say and I'm really glad we broke down and bought it for her.
Overall, we are all surviving just fine but I will definitely be glad when tooth #3 finally makes an appearance and we have our happy baby back full time!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Little by Little

Right now we are in the middle of teething and getting accustomed to my new four day work schedule.  It is awesome having an extra full day with my girl, but working 9.5 hour days is a little exhausting! I want to keep up with our life on here though so my goal is to post more little posts more frequently.  All the pictures may be from my phone, but at least I will have things documented! Here are a few of my recent favs:

Being a fashionista is so rough...

Anybody want a raspberry???

She loved chewing on this straw while Cory blew on it. I don't know why; she is weird. :)

I feel badly that this cracks me up but there it is...

My favorite happy girl!