We had such a wonderful time! We got there pretty late on Friday night so we just hung out with our BFF's David and Joel for a little while. The next day we played basketball at the YMCA before heading back to get ready for all the festivities. The ceremony was so sweet and the reception was awesome! Here we are all dressed up and ready for fun. :)
As you can see, there was a lot of dancing going on so I was loving it! The boys even danced with Peter's mom! They are so crazy!
After everything we went back to the hotel and watched USC beat Clemson in baseball which was pretty exciting (for me at least!). David and Joel both had to leave to go visit their families but Cory and I stayed the night and left Sunday morning. I originally wanted to stay and spend the day in Charlotte Sunday but we decided to just head back so I could teach my primary class. It was so worth it to see their sweet little faces and hear all the stories they had to tell me. I just love being a primary teacher!