Her four month stats:
Head: 16.5 cm (90-95 percentile)
Height: 25.5 (95 percentile)
Weight: 16 lbs. 2 oz. (90-95 percentile)
As you can see, she is a big girl but perfectly proportional so the doctor says that's great. Cory has now taken to calling her "Big 95" or "Big Lydi." I hope he tires of these nicknames before she is old enough to understand them and feel like a "beast." At least if she does turn out to be a giant, she will have a giant mom to understand her. :) Giant or no, we still think she is the cutest baby on the block!

Likes: rolling over, sitting up in the Bumbo, holding her own bottle like a big girl, rattles, chewing on things, giving "kisses," drooling, Hush Little Baby
Dislikes: anyone touching her feet, Daddy's prickly beard, Mommy going on evening runs(I return to a teary eyed girl almost every time)