Likes: standing up with Mommy and Daddy's help, TV, snuggling with Mommy, bells, bouncy seat, her hands!, talking to her books, patterns (wear a plain shirt if you want this girl to pay attention to you, otherwise she will stare at your shirt!), grabbing things
Dislikes: Being still, riding in the stroller on bumpy roads, loud noises (Cory sneezed while he was holding her the other day and she literally burst into tears, which is actually the cutest thing because she pokes her little lip out first!)

She loves sucking on her hands!

Me and baby girl on her blessing day.

Chatting with Daddy.

This will keep her happy for ages! She loves looking at and talking to her books!

She also likes to watch and talk to the tv.

Scandalous girl!
We love playing with this girl and watching her grow! Some days it seems like she gets bigger while we are at work! We are so blessed to be her Mommy and Daddy!
1 comment:
I love that book picture...already just like her mama. And LJ and Grace are obviously BFF's already...Grace pulls up her shirt ALL THE TIME! little exhibitionists!
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