Wednesday, August 17, 2011


What have I been doing lately?  Sleeping.  For hours and hours.  Usually I just tag it on to whatever else I had planned to do that evening.  All my activities now have /sleeping added to the end.  Eating/sleeping.  Reading/sleeping.  TV watching/sleeping.  Talking to Cory/sleeping.  You get the picture.  I sometimes even take a nap during my afternoon break at work.  Sitting up in my chair.  I am THAT tired some (okay, most) days and have gotten pretty good at sleeping in non bed environments.  This becomes problematic when we have guests over I'm supposed to be entertaining them and instead I fall asleep in my chair mid conversation.  Yikes. 
Basically, growing a baby talks a lot of energy apparently.    I am still coming to terms with this baby over the amount of sleep it requires me to have.  If I try and stay up too late, anytime past 10, I start feeling sick.  That will teach me, huh?  Once again, I try and fight the battle for control and lose.  Oh well.  At least now I have started to have random burst of energy some days which is better than nothing.  I even woke up and made Cory breakfast the other morning.  So I'm not quite Rip Van Winkle, but I'm getting close.  :)

1 comment:

Layne Stalvey said...

First trimester and beginning of second I could sleep 24 hrs straight if left to it. I napped in a recliner in the back room of work but soon realized that hour long naps actually hurt me, not helped. It would hit 9pm and I'd be out cold. Enjoy it now, because third trimester, especially at the end you wont be able to sleep at all. No lie. Like not a wink! I think it's your body preparing you for having a baby that keeps you up all night. Either way nature is ridiculous. No middle ground for mommies!! Glad you're doing well other than the sleep!