Friday, June 3, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. If you had to choose, how would you prefer to choose to spend money...on landscaping or a pool?
As I'm sure you have noticed from my pictures, our yard is pretty bare in the landscaping department.  I would have to put my money there, as we are starting to do.  It is no fun having the shabbiest yard in the neighborhood!

2. (Scott likes to get things stirred up...) Death penalty, yay or nay?
I don't necessarily disagree with it, but I think it is actually a less harsh punishment than life in prison.  I can't imagine living the rest of my life inside one place knowing I would never leave it.

3. What's the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back/blogged/showered/blinked?
Once, when we had our nephews over, a tube of toothpaste fell out of their bag onto the carpet.  It didn't have a top on it and so of course before I could pick it up my nephew stepped on it, squirting a glob of it on the floor.  I said "Be careful not to step on that.  I'm going to get a paper towel to clean it up."  When I walk back in the room not a minute later, there is the glob now smashed into the carpet and my nephew looking very sheepish saying "I accidentally stepped on it."  AH!

4. How often do you REALLY go to the dentist?
Every six months at least.  I have terrible teeth so if I don't I will have a catastrophe on my hands.  Since I go so often, it really isn't a big deal anymore.

5. What is your favorite animal (doesn't have to be a pet-type animal)?
Giraffes.  They are tall and awkward, just like me! :)

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