Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Book Worm Wednesday: A Quickie

I have been sick with a terrible cough the past few days.  I'm talking I only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep laugh night because I was hacking up a lung terrible.  So I will keep this one short and sweet because after a long night at mutual, I am definitely ready for bed.

One of my all time favorite books is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  It is about a Jewish girl in WWII Germany.  It is poignant, heartbreaking and all things wonderful.  The story is told from the point of view of a very unconventional narrator, Death.  That may seem a little depressing, but it truly adds so much to this story.  Oddly enough, you come to like him (or at least I did).  And you come to love the girl who stole books and made Death remember her.
I love reading books about difficult times in history, but this one is by far the most touching.  Something about those times seems so fragile.  I guess it is a sort of normalcy that people are clinging to.  That feeling that things can and will not ever go back to the way they once were.  It makes me think about how fragile that is for me and appreciate it so much more that I have the luxury of living a boring life. So read this book.  It will change your life.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this book. Ben and I were still engaged when I was reading it. I was almost done when we watched the movie "Valkyrie", and I was so stunned and upset by the ending of the movie! I went to another room to finish the book, just knowing it would have a happy ending, and Ben fell asleep in the TV room. He woke up an hour later to me SOBBING!!!!! I was inconsolable! Everyone thought I was crazy for expecting a happy ending to either of those things, so bad double whammy on my judgement that night :) Now I'm dying to name a baby boy Jude!