Saturday, May 28, 2011

On Being Positive

Right now I am reading Way to Be! by Gordon B. Hinckley.  It is a book written for youth, but I have gained a lot of strength from it.  Last night, I finished the chapter entitled Be Positive.  A couple of paragraphs really hit home for me and I thought I would share them.

"My dear friends, in who I have such confidence, don't partake of the spirit of our times.  Don't always be looking for the dark side of life.  Look for the good.  There is so much of the sweet and the decent and the positive to build upon.
Cultivate an attitude of optimism.  Know that God is watching over you, that He will hear your prayers and will answer them, that He loves you and will make that love manifest."
(Gordon B. Hinckley, Way to Be!, pg. 88)

As I struggle through my day to day problems both big and small, I often wonder how I am going to help the young women I have stewardship over through their problems.  I want them to know so many things.  That their Savior cares for them more than they can even imagine.  That through him they can do hard things.  That they are never alone.  That their leaders love them.  That they are wanted. I'm still learning some of those things myself; however, I know that even though at times it may seem a daunting prospect, if I have a positive outlook and patience, the Lord can help me through anything.

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