Last weekend I went on my first trip without Cory. He had to go on a scout campout and I decided that instead of staying home alone, watching movies and crying (I can’t help I’m usually in the mood for sad movies on those days…), I was going to visit my family. My mom and youngest brother already had plans to go spend the weekend with my aunt and uncle in Georgetown so I just joined the party. Cory and I were both off on Friday so we spent the morning running a few errands in the pouring rain before we both headed out around lunchtime. I was off for a weekend of fun and beach time with my family. He was off to hike 10 miles in the rain. I think that is the first time he has been sadder than I was at one of our partings, as he has never cared much for sad movies. :) He and I didn’t get to talk much while we were gone because he was going into the mountains where he would have little to no signal. This was hard for me because I am the type of person who likes to be able to get in touch and KNOW that Cory is okay. This time I just said a prayer to ask Heavenly Father to keep him safe for me and let it go. It is amazing how much easier giving things to the Lord makes life. I had an absolute blast and didn’t worry about Cory a bit. It was so nice to silly girly things with my cousins and hang out with my family. I’ve gotten so used to being “Emily and Cory” that it was nice to be just “Emily” for a little while. Not that I don’t love having him around, it is just different when he is. Anyway, here are some pictures from the weekend!

My littlest brother and Aaron, my cousin/travel buddy
My delicious picnic lunch from Kudzu Bakery. I had never had shrimp salad before but I love it!
The parents playing on their smart phone at the beach. Pretty inexcusable.
My favorite beach activity.
I kept sending Cory pictures of me at the beach. He loved it. :)
My little cousins and I made the chocolate dipped peeps while dancing around to Justin Bieber. I have never heard his music before but I have to say, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.
I came home to this sweet surprise from my husband. He is the best!
So then I had to put out his.
Candy mustache=awesome.
We finished off our wonderful weekend with an even more wonderful Easter Sunday. One of my absolute favorite people in the ward spoke and we had two baptisms after church. It was a great way to celebrate the sacrifice our Savior made for us.
how sweet that you both did baskets ;0) even the beiber/peep party seems like a blast! how fun!
This post has made me hungry for Easter candy and shrimp salad. Alas, I have neither. Please keep that picture of Cory and the mustache for something years and years in the future- I'm sure it will make y'all laugh and be a sweet memory!
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