Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is how you have a breakdown.

The past couple days have not been good ones.  I've been exhausted.  Cory has had to work super late.  I haven't slept or felt well. I feel like Lydia Jane's due date gets closer and closer and our to do list keeps getting longer and longer.  I've felt a mixture of discouragement, exhaustion, anxiety and just plain grumpiness.   It's been really lame. 
This morning I got a summons for jury duty, my first ever.  Really, you want me to decide the fate of drug dealers and theives as an 8 month pregnant woman?  "Off with their heads!" is the only response that seems like a good one right now when I even think about it.  If I were drug dealer or other criminal type, I would definitely not want a crazy me on the jury. 
When I get to work, I have a million things to do.  This is because my boss is determined to get every last ounce of work out of me before I go out on maternity leave.  I had planned to have nice, simple projects and take it easy the last few months of my pregnancy but instead I'm having to figure out the design for a huge mapping project and then write instructions to show everyone else how to do it.  There are a million other reasons why this is annoying, but I will spare you.
While at work, I got an email about an activity tomorrow night I'm supposed to bring snacks to.  Of course I completely forgot about this just like everything else and had to stop by the grocery store on my way home where I realized my tire is going flat.
When I get home and Cory looks at it, there is a huge hole in the side wall and I need a new tire.  He is behind the car and tells me to pull forward some so he can get a better look at it.  My exhausted brain must have been on autopilot because I put the car in reverse instead of drive.  I start to freak out when my car starts going backwards and press the gas to help it up the hill.  This of course sends to car into my husband who starts rolling down the driveway. I slam on the breaks and burst into tears because after everything else, I have almost run him over.
At this point the missionaries call to remind him that he is going on splits with them tonight.  So now I am home alone having this breakdown in cyberspace.  It is oddly theraputic. 
Did I mention I have an 8:30 doctors appointment tomorrow morning so Cory is going to have to put the doughnut on my car after he gets home? 
So now that I have gotten that out of my system I will say that I am very grateful that:
I live in a free country that has a decent judicial system.
I have a job I enjoy doing most days and where my abilities are appreciated.
I work with some amazing women in my calling at church and groceries are so easy to find and purchase.
I realized I had a flat tire before it blew out while I was driving.
I did not run over my husband, only bumped him (quite hard, but he is fine).
My husband is so willing to serve the Lord.
I have access to wonderful medical care. 
My prayers are answered and the occasion vent session on my blog is allowed.


Ashley said...

I literally laughed out loud when I read the bit about almost running Cory over with your car! One, because the visual image was hilarious and two, because I can totally relate to how you feel right now! You are an amazing person, you're pregnant, being grumpy doesn't change that! I'll offer some really cliche generic advice, but it's so true... When you hold Lydia Jane, in your arms for the first time, nothing else will matter!

Layne Stalvey said...

Oh girl! This is your breakdown? You are being a trooper! You should go back and read my pregnancy posts and then you'll feel oober better about yourself. You can go through the motions of everything else in life right now but the only thing that really matters for you to get right is taking care of that baby and getting her here safely- and I KNOW you're doing an awesome job of that. P.S. Just get used to be overwhelmed, stressed, and frustrated-it wont go away once LJ is here- however the hapiness she'll bring you will make it all worth it!