Wednesday, January 25, 2012

41 Weeks: Hello in There!

Our girl is starting to remind me of this little egg, Sherman, from Garfield and friends.  She just does not want to hatch! I had a doctors appointment yesterday where they did a non stress test and an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid.  Both were fine, but she is definitely a relaxed little lady, or a cramped little lady.  It's hard to tell.  She still has her wild karate moments, but she has started to just relax/sleep more and more.  Lets hope she keeps that up when she is outside of the womb as well!  After my tests, I saw the doctor and he asked if anyone had talked to me about being induced. (I've only dialated 1 cm and haven't had any real contractions.) When I said no he said, "Well, we need to talk about it."  I knew this was coming and had already prepared myself for it.  Cory gave me a blessing over the weekend and part of it talked about being blessed to have all the benefits of modern medicine with my delivery.  Before that, I had been sort of against everything that I did not consider "natural" but after receiving a blessing, I have felt much more okay about it.  Sometimes, it is what you need. I feel so blessed to have the gospel in my life and worthy priesthood holder as my husband.  I have definitely needed those things and they have made the rough moments of this pregnancy much easier to get through. 
So I scheduled my induction for the 26th, tomorrow, and have felt at peace with the decision ever since.  Dr. Salley will be the doctor on call and I really like him.  He is my sister in law's main doctor and is the one I saw when I had the subchorionic bleed.  He made me feel so at ease during literally one of the scariest days of my life and so I'm sure he will be great to have for this experience as well.  I took today off work and have loved being able to plan everything out and make lists.  I already had most everything done but this extra day of planning has been great.  It has helped me relax.  Who gets relaxed from planning and cleaning all day?! I know I'm strange.  Also, a control freak so it works out that those things do make me feel better. :)  Tonight Cory and I are going out on our last date before we are parents and I'm excited about that.  I may even post one last belly picture since I'm actually planning to do my hair. :) 

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